
Since 1950, 澳门赌场在线娱乐’s Polish Room has shared the Polish culture and heritage 通过房间里的原始文物和出版物. 波兰厅是 located on the second floor of the 法利库 and has been operated by the Polish Room committee since 1950, when 澳门赌场在线娱乐 was known as “Wilkes College.”

Stefan Mrozewski, one of the world's leading engravers and a former Kozciuszko Foundation grantee, was engaged to design the room which would serve both as a reference and 拟建图书馆的阅览室. Mr. Mrozewski设计了房间和家具 扎科帕内风格,塔特拉登山者的艺术传统. 他和斯特凡 Hellersperk of Dallas, 宾西法尼亚, constructed and carved the furniture.

波兰房间 was originally located in the Parish Hall Guard Building, then later 搬到了法利图书馆. 澳门赌场在线娱乐的第一任校长. 尤金年代. Farley, was inspired to open the Polish Room when he visited the Nationality Rooms 在匹兹堡大学. 他鼓励当地少数民族建立自己的民族 own room on campus, because this would be a way that individuals could express their 文化遗产. 波兰语室允许波兰血统的人聚集在一起 我在波兰感到宾至如归.


This room is dedicated to the memory of settlers from Poland who since 1856 have made 他们在怀俄明山谷的家. 他们通过自己的努力为发展做出了贡献 它的主要工业之一是采矿和农业. 通过他们公平竞争的意识,他们鼓励 the principle of collective bargaining through their homes, schools, and churches 他们宣示了他们的信仰和对国家的热爱.

This plaque is erected by their descendants so that their sons and daughters, together with the sons and daughters of those from other lands may take courage from their lives and deeds, and forever be reminded in these halls of 澳门赌场在线娱乐 that 机会、智慧和正义属于所有美国人.



波兰厅委员会 is a non-profit organization that fosters an appreciation of Polish heritage by providing an enriching environment filled with cultural based 工件. The organization takes pride in student higher education by offering financial 给波兰裔学生提供年度奖学金的机会.

It was established in 1972 to express appreciation of services rendered to Wilkes 以及宾夕法尼亚州东北部的社区. 和夫人. 约瑟夫·J. Kocyan


Scholarships are awarded annually to students of Polish descent with exceptionally 较高的累积平均成绩和证明的经济资助.

波兰厅委员会 Scholarship welcomes applications from those who meet the 以下标准:

  • 二年级、三年级或四年级.
  • 在卢塞恩县有永久居留权.
  • 有波兰血统.

请与教务处联络 & 校友参与活动 alumni@526494.com for more information on the Polish Room Committee scholarships and how to apply.

工件 & 出版物

波兰厅是 home to multiple cultural and historic 工件 and is affiliated 发表了几篇文章.


The furniture in the Polish Room was constructed by the late Stefan Hellersperk, Dallas, 宾西法尼亚. 他使用了从华盛顿进口的厚桦木. 构建 七英尺高的长凳. 它重约450磅. 椭圆形的大桌子上放着 its highly polished finish has half inch deep carvings in the Goral tradition.


桌上放着一把18世纪华沙的古茶炊. 这个茶炊是银制的 希腊图案的茶缸.


The carved wooden eagle is a replica of the 12th century eagle which is the symbol 波兰的. The carving was executed by the late Stefan Hellersperk, Dallas, 宾西法尼亚. 波兰房间 collection also includes many ornamental wood carvings and sculptures.


Wladyslaw Theo Benda于1899年来到美国. 在他成名之前 as the creator of a new type of masks, he was well-known as an illustrator. Benda的 masks are made of hard, unbleached paper, glued in tightly compressed layer reinforced with brass wires, protected from atmospheric conditions by coats of varnishes, painted 用油彩和镀金. W.T. 本达的"耶稣"面具放在一个高高的基座上 是宾夕法尼亚州达拉斯市的斯特凡·海勒斯帕克雕刻的吗.


波兰馆的两面墙上装饰着进口的波兰金币. 一公里是北方 波罗的海的场景. 另一公里是典型的花卉图案.


The map 波兰的 from the 16th Century was executed by Abraham Ortelius, royal geographer 西班牙国王菲利普二世.


The painting, Farmer with his Horses (Chlop z Konmi), is an original oil painting 约瑟夫·布罗多斯基著. 布罗多夫斯基1828年出生于华沙,是一月份的学生 Suchodolski. 他通常以他的战争场景和完整的作品而闻名.

波兰房间 also contains paintings and lithographs of the American Revolutionary war heroes, Casmir Pulaski and Thaddeus Kosciuszko, astronomer Nicholas Copernicus, Nobel Prize winner Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Pope Jan Pawel II (Pope John Paul II), 安东尼·莫罗兹,塔特拉风笛手,还有其他很多人.


To commemorate the contributions of the early Polish immigrants to Wyoming Valley, 门边放着一块庆祝他们成就的铜牌.


The pisanki in the glass case at the entrance to the Polish Room were designed by Anna Kalonick and her mother, and by Sophie Yurkowski (Yurko) both of whom resided 在卢塞恩县. 这些艺术图案是用蜂蜡蚀刻的,然后蘸上颜料 多次输液. 复活节期间装饰彩蛋的其他技巧 are skrobanki or rysowanki where the outline of birds, flowers, and animals are delicately 被尖锐的工具划伤. 颜色和图案有不同的象征意义. 玻璃盒子里还有传统的手工圣诞饰品.

The library in the Polish Room has a fine collection of books in both Polish and English. The topics of the books include history, the poems of Adam Mickiewicz, poetry, art, 音乐,烹饪书等等. 图书馆集合有包含 音乐收藏和邮票收藏. 澳门赌场在线娱乐波兰语室在里面 对整个收藏品进行盘点的过程. 当这份清单完成后, 将创建该集合的数据库. 希望这个数据库将 成为波兰和波兰裔美国人研究的资源工具.


波兰房间 has clothing which was worn traditionally in the Krakow and Zakopane 地区. The clothing is embellished with hand embroidery in the style representative 这些地区.


A doll collection representing various 地区 in Poland and historical figures is 位于入口门附近. 在波兰厅的壁炉架上有两套家具 穿着地方服装的木制娃娃.


A set of goblets from the Royal Palce of Wawel in Krakow, Poland, are located in the 壁炉左边的书柜.

Anton Piotrowski的诗歌

  • 编译:Mrs. Jule Znaniecki(澳门赌场在线娱乐波兰语室前校长) 委员会).
  • 编辑:Dr. 哈罗德·E. 考克斯,澳门赌场在线娱乐历史名誉教授.

This bilingual publication is a collection of the poems of Anton Piotrowski. 诗歌 is part of the story of both the Polish immigrant community in Nanticoke, 宾西法尼亚 还有一个世纪前的无烟煤工业.


Melania Kocyan Hellersperk (past Polish Room member) This book is a firsthand account of an American woman who fought in the Polish underground movement during the Second 世界大战.


Originally printed by the Wilkes College Polish Room Committee this collection of 会员提交的食谱于2009年更新并重印.

非凡的旅程: 宾夕法尼亚州东北部的东欧人

A WVIA (PBS local affiliate) original documentary film contains an interview with Jule Znaniecki(澳门赌场在线娱乐波兰语室前校长) 委员会).